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Why commercial transportation is moving toward electrification

The overall expectation is that electric truck service demands will be much lower than that of their diesel counterparts, though they come with their own specific service and technician training needs.

You’d be surprised what software can do for EV batteries

When it comes to charging and battery management systems, the software and A.I. are changing the game in EVs.

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How are EV tires different than the others?

EV manufacturers build their vehicles using EV-specific tires, so when it comes time to replace their tires, EV owners should replace them with new EV tires.

What’s happening with hydrogen?

Hydrogen fuel cells are a lighter alternative to generating a truck or car’s electricity. What’s next for this technology?

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Why fleets, dealers, OEMs need EVs in their businesses

Forty percent of all drivers plan to eventually purchase an EV – and younger drivers are more likely to be interested.

The economic opportunities surrounding EV charging

Innovation is opening the door to expand on the opportunities in this market, expected to reach a value of $103.6B by 2028.

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How will EVs affect the supply chain of tomorrow?

This year’s ACT Expo helps reveal what an electrified supply chain means for the consumer world.

Why do EVs need EV tires?

EVs have a few major factors working against their tires that you don’t see as much in their gasoline-powered counterparts.

Why Volkswagen’s ID. Life is a big deal for EVs

Volkswagen is bucking the large, expensive EV trend with its ID. Life compact crossover concept car.

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EV maintenance: The same, but different

We may begin seeing some traditional aftermarket components having much lower replacement rates than those seen today.

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An inconvenient truth: EV lifecycles & the waste they produce

Manufacturers consider an EV battery’s end of life when it can no longer hold more than 80 percent of its charge.

Electric trucks: It’s all business

The cost parity between electrification and diesel HD trucks, in certain applications, is quickly becoming a reality.

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